February 2017

Smartpitch Law Challenge

dad’s rights discussion conference

Month: February 2017

I apologize it’s taken me so long to answer you

Yes, he does have a felony record. And he has several alias by which he goes by. It is impossible to believe, that my wife’s home (now with this felon) is considered a better environment for them to live in. My children now are subjected to immorality by there mother, drugs and god knows what else.

I have recently picked up the package needed to apply for civil harassment in San Bernadino. All of which I must justify (my actions) as to why this is so critical. A felon thinks differently. He must survive, no matter who he steps on. I am going into his territory. For fear of my safety, I wear a bullet proof vest, and carry pepper spray. No one wants to take me seriously.

I understand your paper trail, hindsight is 20/20….you live and learn – it would almost be worth it to have this guy hit me…I want him away from my children in the worst way. I’m not about to give up now…surely someone will eventually believe me. Any advice you can give me as I go through these papers would greatly appreciated. You are to be commended for your efforts…It took alot of you to fight a system that is not equal or fair to fathers.Help requests

My nephew (in Ohio) went through the exact same thing

After his daughter was born, he petitioned the courts and brought in witnesses.

In the end a blood test was given to prove he was the father and his daughter was given his last name.

It did take some time, but in the end it all worked out. Good luck.

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