Smartpitch Law Challenge
dad’s rights discussion conference
Failure of Attorney
I would like to present a question to our community.
What would/can a client do when an Attorney fails to return calls, e-mails and all other types of correspondence?
My bill is very small and I have even tried to speak with him re: full payment and he still will not return calls, etc.
His lack of communication is causing me (a divorced father of two boys with temporary sole custody) to lose, what I feel is, precious legal ground.
Any help, comments would be greatly appreciated! I am also available for comments off line
Thank you very much for your time.
June 8, 2017 Attorney
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No wonder my ex-wife moved with her boyfriend to Conroe
She did it with my children since last August. Right now, I’m being hounded by the TAG for arrears … not understanding the fact, again full disclosure that I lost my job, and now working as a contractor. With work being limited in the automotive industry (Detroit Area)… it’s hard to keep up, but I still keep paying my support in Indiana, where jurisdiction resides … while the TAG and Conroe CS Office are always “hounding and threatening” me to pay the full amount or they’ll charge interest on my arrears.
Since when did the TAG become a financial institution, charging interest penalties on support? It’s bad enough they reported me to the credit bureaus already, not only that … they have no jurisdiction in this matter. Furthermore, my ex-wife left jurisdiction (Indiana/Michigan only) without the Court’s permission or my approval. She is currently in Contempt of her papers.
Interesting that Texas would provide “sanctuary” to someone that is in Contempt. I’ve submitted the appropriate documents to the TAG and Conroe … no response yet. I will say that this situation will be quite interesting especially when my ex didn’t show up in Court last August 6th.
You’re right … no matter what state you reside, the dad is always the bad guy. This attitude by the Judicial System must change for the sake of all fathers (and non custodial mothers) … and their kids. That’s what it’s all about really … the children and the dad’s rights for visitation. I’ll continue this later … keep on “telling it like it is!”
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Regards … Peace!
May 6, 2017 Court
In the State of Indiana
Anything is fair game. Your income, your spouse’s earnings, any overtime, profit sharing, lottery winnings, etc. Consult your attorney regarding this issue. Inheritances are questionable depending on when the monies were received … before, during or after your divorce. These clauses are usually drafted in your Dissolution Decree/Divorce Papers. Again, seek legal counsel.
Remember, child support in Indiana is based on two incomes … yours and your ex’s. It is calculated based on both your earnings. If you’re suspicious of this, ask your attorney to draft in interrogatory to be served. Your ex must comply … as I’m sure you would if she requested you to submit your W-2’s through her attorney to your barrister.
Remember, full disclosure must be exercised on both sides. Then from there you’ll have a bargaining tool in order to get your support payments adjusted. I went through a similar situation here in Fort Wayne. Just be patience, honest and try to keep paying your support until the time comes for you to go to Court … then if it goes to Court, let the Court decide.
Good Luck … Peace!
April 5, 2017 Court
Made toilet paper out of my Court Order
On February 10, 2016, I was the happiest man in the world because I was walking out of the Broward Mumicipal Courts Building with a great Court Order signed by Judge Arthur Monopoly. And what is more – I got my payday loans application approved and money were deposited directly to my bank account! I felt like I had won great visitation rights by seeing my son every single weekend from Friday at 3:00 pm to Sunday at 6:00. Also I would split vacations with my ex and I would have 1 month in the summer with him. Every Friday at 3:00pm, I was to go to my son’s daycare, pick him up and bring him home with me.
I felt so happy and proud that I could actually start being a real father to my wonderful son. Then like a Friday the 13th movie, the reality of how it really is, started to sink in. My ex would go to my son’s daycare and pick him up at 12:00 noon and take him to her house. She would call my home and leave me a message saying that there was no need for me to pick up our son at the daycare ’cause she had picked him up already. Later I found out that she was calling him by the illegal name of Jules (after her deceased father), without my permission, as the father. So of course I raised a little hell. She didn’t like that. So she created more lies about me.
So that was the her beginning of doing as she felt like, despite the fact that the Court Order told her to do differently. That was the time that I would call the police on her, just to document her actions. Of course, she was telling everybody that I was harassing her and the school, by bring in the police for no reason at all.
So as my ex kept taking more and more out of my benefits, she lied and lied to me more and more. I finally had to take her to court once again, hoping that the court would make her obey the Court Order more as I did. Well, that’s when I represented myself because of lack of money. Upon entering the court room, I was so nervous and unsure of myself that my mind went completly blank when the Judge barked at me upon arriving merely 2 minutes late. The Judge being the prick that he is, told me that all my complaints about my ex were denied because I could not speak. Further more, he went on to say that despite the fact that we have Shared Parental Responsibilities, my ex would be allowed to have the final say. Well, what the hell, that shot the Shared Parental Responsibly all to hell, if she has the last say. The Judge also warned us that if we could not resolve our differences, and keep coming to court, he would take our son away and give him to the state.
Is this true or he’s just pulling my leg about taking our son away?
Enjoy your day,
March 1, 2017 Court order
I apologize it’s taken me so long to answer you
Yes, he does have a felony record. And he has several alias by which he goes by. It is impossible to believe, that my wife’s home (now with this felon) is considered a better environment for them to live in. My children now are subjected to immorality by there mother, drugs and god knows what else.
I have recently picked up the package needed to apply for civil harassment in San Bernadino. All of which I must justify (my actions) as to why this is so critical. A felon thinks differently. He must survive, no matter who he steps on. I am going into his territory. For fear of my safety, I wear a bullet proof vest, and carry pepper spray. No one wants to take me seriously.
I understand your paper trail, hindsight is 20/20….you live and learn – it would almost be worth it to have this guy hit me…I want him away from my children in the worst way. I’m not about to give up now…surely someone will eventually believe me. Any advice you can give me as I go through these papers would greatly appreciated. You are to be commended for your efforts…It took alot of you to fight a system that is not equal or fair to fathers.
February 21, 2017 Help requests
My nephew (in Ohio) went through the exact same thing
After his daughter was born, he petitioned the courts and brought in witnesses.
In the end a blood test was given to prove he was the father and his daughter was given his last name.
It did take some time, but in the end it all worked out. Good luck.
February 11, 2017 Help requests
Please help me Give my son my last name!
My ex-fiance is having my baby and will not give the baby my last name. She knows how important it is to me and how I feel about it but she still will not give my first son my last name.
I remember reading somewhere that if my name is on the birth certificate as the father and I petition the court to make her give my baby my last name she doesn’t have to comply but when the baby is born and I enter another petition to the court to make her give my son my last name then she would have to comply because she did not comply the first time.
I was just wondering if this was true and if it is where could I find that information. Pleas Help Me give my first and only son my last name!
December 15, 2016 Help requests
My advice is two words
My advice is two words: PAPER TRAIL.
When my wife first threatened me on his behalf in June, I filed an incident report with the Sheriff. I wanted a paper trail. When she threatened me again, I filed another one (I went to the Sheriff’s station to do this).
So, at the beginning of the month, when he did hit me, I had not only the police report from the battery, but two threats made two months earlier to substantiate the danger. I had pictures taken immediately afterwards, and paid a visit to the doctor who wrote up a nice report.
Document the fear of physical violence. The penal code considers fear “force”, and therefore by creating an environment of fear, I think you have an argument for harassment.
If he has a criminal record, what is it for? If it is a violent crime, you are the children’s father and you have the right to express concern about their well being. If the judge refuses your request, ask the judge to recuse themself. That throws them, it basically says that they have to admit that they can’t hear the case. Most judges’ egos won’t let that happen, so they may reconsider. I actually did it with an appellate court judge on a panel of three. And he left!
I can’t stress it enough, document everything. And where and when possible, have a third party document as well, because that lends clout.
October 8, 2016 Self representing
I admire your courage
My question is this: How were you able to get a restraining order? you didn’t say anything about violence or threats against you, tried to do that here in San Diego, and was told, my requests were being denied because i had not been threatened recently. My children are living in San Bernadino with a convicted felon, and the roughest part of time.
My life has been threatened, only relayed to me by my wife. I have since been granted supervised visits in “HIS TERRITORY” in San Bernadino.
I fear for my life. I have purchased a bullet proof vest, and now carry pepper spray. I would love to have this man removed from my children’s life, but no one takes me seriously. Please help me…A desperate father who is frustrated!
July 11, 2016 Self representing
I am representing myself here in California
I am representing myself here in California (it’s called Pro Per here), as I have in all civil cases in the past. Today, I was granted a three year restraining order against my wife’s boyfriend that not only keeps him away from me, but my kids (even if they are with her) and my cars (even the one she drives).
If you study the codes of civil procedure, talk to some of the free assistance folks, you can actually run rings around attorneys! In court this morning, this clown threw papers at me, yelled at the judge, said I was a con man and knew how to manipulate the court (which brought a big smile to the judge’s face). He tried to tell the judge that I have stolen $400,000 (dang, where did it go?), and that I haven’t had a job in three years (where am I driving to then?).
My wife is all upset at me for upsetting the poor fellow (awwww), but she even warned him not to go to court against me without an attorney. But he is convinced that since I don’t have a degree in law, that he is smarter than me, and I am an idiot. Well, the “idiot” just screwed up his life, and the judge even stated that she felt he was unstable.
Score one for the idiots!
Recent Posts
Failure of AttorneyNo wonder my ex-wife moved with her boyfriend to ConroeIn the State of IndianaMade toilet paper out of my Court OrderI apologize it’s taken me so long to answer you
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